how do clown cars work?


how do clown cars work?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Like… literally a circus clown car? They have false bottoms and park over a trap door, clowns climb up from below the stage.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The car is a hollow box with nothing inside, and the performers are very athletic and flexible.

They also have their positions inside carefully planned out beforehand to maximize numbers in the available space.

And clown costumes make them look bigger and bulkier than they actually are.


Anonymous 0 Comments

“There’s no trick to the clown-car gag,” says DeSanto, who matriculated in the hallowed halls of  Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College and performed with the self-proclaimed “Greatest Show On Earth.” “There are no trap doors in stadium floors, and the cars are real cars.”

In fact, a clown car is fully functional. “We remove all of the interior,” explains DeSanto, “including the door panels and the headliner, and paint the windows except for a small slot for the driver to see through. The driver sits on a milk crate. We remove any interior barrier to the trunk, and we beef up the springs so that the car doesn’t seem to be riding on its bump stops. Then it’s a matter of shoving in the clowns.”

An American Standard Clown (ASC) stands five feet eight inches tall and weighs 158 pounds, according to the DOT’s Office of Circuses, Zoos, and Carnivals—and possibly Wikipedia. Wait a second . . . okay, now it’s on Wikipedia. Each clown occupies about three cubic feet, assuming a 15-inch width and five-inch thickness.