From the air – without any other visual clues than what you have been told, yes, its impossible to discern. I was never in the air force or anything like that, but have flown planes a bit. Its very hard to even recognize what city your are flying over in winter for example, so you have no idea other than what being told by instruments/info, and people are not even visible unless you fly quite low. So your situational awareness comes from whatever intel/ATC/Radio – with specific co-ordinates for instance on where to go/bomb.
Thats why they will stay in the sky for a long time, just circling, perhaps even refueling in air, to just be there waiting for *that* specific command. Its the same in the sky as in a fighter jet moves so fast that its extremely difficult to see “who it is” – if two fighters pass each other, we are talking way over the speed of a bullet. So they have to get info from someone else on whats going on.
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