How do companies get away with pay rises less than the rate of inflation?

1.57K viewsEconomicsOther

I understand that there are shareholders and costs increase, but surely the cost increases should be at the rate of inflation?

I know a load of companies increase by like 3.9% + Inflation every year – so why is it that when employees get pay rises they’ll always be less than the rate of inflation?

Doesn’t that just mean employees get poorer every time? Where does the extra 3.9% money actually go? Where does the difference between employees payrises and rate of inflation go?

Are all companies just screwing their employees or is there some other reason I’m not realizing?

In: Economics

20 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ll approach the answer from the employee perspective. Staying with an employer is much easier than job hunting while employed. Employees that accept the position they’re in with whatever raise they do or don’t get are choosing the easier yet lower money making decision.

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