How do companies ship large quantities for such a cheap price?


I recently shipped a board game I printed to friends (more for fun than profit) and realized that shipping prices were a larger chunk of my budget than I intended. It got me thinking: how do big businesses like Hasbro afford to ship? Is there something I’m missing or is this just something they had to power through?

In: Economics

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You shipped a board game. That one box had to be handled all along the way individually, loaded and unloaded from various crates and trucks, and tracked individually to its destination.

But let’s say you wanted to ship a 40-foot container of board games. Still one thing to ship, one thing to track. The shipping more expensive, but it’s far less expensive per-game since you’re shipping maybe ten thousand games.

You pack a container, it’s put on a truck to a port. It’s put on a boat. It’s taken off the boat and put on a truck, it’s delivered to you. You now have ten thousand games.

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