How do companies speed up the cure time of asphalt?


The main road near my house is getting repaved, and they’ve just laid brand new road! But it was so quick, we can drive on it the next day (there is a 3 tonne weight limit though). I was under the impression hot mix took about a week to cure and 6-12 months to get to full strength.

How do they do it?

In: 3

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The asphalt is good to go before it’s 100% cured.It gets stronger while curing, but the extra strength isn’t necessary, at least during the early stages

Similar to concrete – this is still very much curing 2-3 months after it gets cast, but is almost always designed for its strength at 4 weeks, any extra strength after then (and the gain is relatively low) is a bonus but not required. *Technically* it cures almost forever, but in a meaningful sense it effectively maxes out after about three to six months.

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