How do countries hide their losses during wars?

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I know it is normal for countries to deflate their casualty numbers during war, but how do they do it? If for example 1000 soldiers are killed in a month, how could a government claim only 400 were killed without the public discover this to be a lie? Surley the families of the killed soldiers are promptly informed.

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18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To a degree, its possible. While the families in question know their child has died, as far as they know, their child was one of that 40 reported dead. Also, theirs tricks that can be done and excuses made to paper over reporting errors, like the soldier was initially heavily injured and died sometime later, their death wasn’t reported to the proper authorities for some time, they had difficulty finding the next of kin due to records error, etc, etc.

it would take a great deal of under-reporting for the deceit to become obvious ie they reported 3 dead, but at least 7 died in your town *alone*.

Outside parties can look, piece together evidence that the official death toll is low, but it’s labour intensive, and easy to dismissif your inclined to disbelieve it.

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