Because they still collect money other ways.
Monaco, for instance, has a zero percent *income tax*, but has a 20% sales tax, a 1% rental tax, and has low business profit taxes, etc.
The Cayman Islands has no taxes whatsoever, but collects money via fees. Tourism fees, work permit fees, financial transaction fees, and they collect massive duties, with a 0-42% duty fee schedule for all items imported into the country (most imported items are charged duties in the 20% range). Offshore corporations are tax sheltered, but pay an annual licensing fee directly to the government.
There are other types of taxes that can be charged — sales tax, property taxes, import duties, etc. Or taxes on specific types of activities (ie. casinos). Those places have small, wealthy populations, heavy tourism, tiny governments, small amounts of land, no military so generating taxes from hotels/restaurant taxes, casino revenues, etc. would be enough to pay for what’s needed to run a small wealthy country.
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