How do dead people exit hospitals?

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I’ve never seen a dead person be wheeled out of a hospital in my life. How do they sneak them out without the carnival of spectators?

In: Other

29 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

AMA, I suppose. Dead patients are probably high return vs. care needs, in a typical hospital situation.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lots of hospitals have underground parts that they use just for things like this.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Movement within the hospital is via a private elevator. Or at least an elevator that the staff and security can switch to a private mode so that it won’t stop at any floors other than the pickup level and the morgue level.

The morgue itself typically has a private exit directly to or from a carpark or vehicle bay, for pickups and deliveries.

Source: Used to be Security at a few hospitals.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I work in the ER and one of the if my patient dies, one of my rolls is to bagging and tagging the body before bringing them down to the morgue.

By bagging and tagging, I mean prepping the body, getting them into a body bag, collecting/documenting personal belongings and securing patient identification tags on the patients tie, the zipper of the bag (acting as a tamper-seal) and their belongings.

Our morgue is essentially a giant walk in cooler, divided into bays and each bay has a locker for personal belongings. The deceased and their belongings are kept here until they are picked up by either the medical examiner or whatever means the family arranges.

Anonymous 0 Comments

At the hospital i used to work at, patients who’d died would be moved in essentially enclosed metal boxes (affectionately known as biscuit tins) through the hospital, out the back entrance to the onsite mortuary. From the mortuary, they’d be collected by the funeral home. 

People dont gawk because most people there are either staff and are used to it, or a patient or friends/relatives of one so dont want to think too much about someone dying there. 

Anonymous 0 Comments

I work public safety in a large trauma hospital. We take care of removals to the morgue and releasing to funeral homes and average more than three per day. We have a back door near the morgue that comes out into a blind (dead end) type alley area behind the hospital. All funeral home and transport company vans are unmarked.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I worked at a hospital that took the departed customers out through the employee entrance. It was a secluded little pull in that concealed the hearses fairly well.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

They go right out the ER ambulance entrance in a covered stretcher with a frame so it doesn’t drape right of the body at my hospital.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They take them to the hospital’s morgue and they’re removed either by ambulances or non descript windowless vans owned by funeral homes. They may also be put in plain wooden crates for this transport.