How do different brands of medicine under the same generic name differ?

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How do different brands of medicine under the same generic name differ?

In: Chemistry

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You, Mark, thought of the genius idea to sell pre-made snowballs.

You can make them yourself but you’re rich enough that paying someone else to make them for you actually saves you money.

So you pay Bob $100 a month to make you a ton of snowballs and put your trademark logo on it and tell Bob to give it a slight blue dye.

What you dont know, is that Bob is also making pink ones, purple ones, red ones, all for different people like you.

This is not limited to medicines, its pretty much everything.

Samsung for example makes hundreds of MILLIONS of panels for Apple alone.

Apple can make their own, but it would cost them so much that they wont make the money back for so many years that outsourcing saves them the pain.

This is why Mark Cubans drugs plost cost service is dirt cheap. Hes the middle man who does not mark (hah) up cost because he doesnt care.

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