How do dishwashers remove E Coli and other organics from our dishes. Are they really safe.


I have just found out there’s ecoli in my well water at the place we just moved to and am hearing I need 165 to kill ecoli but my dishwasher says it only heats to 155 but claims this meets the standard for safe drinking water.

Confused about whether or not it’s safe to use the dishes coming out of my dishwasher till the well manager can come up with a method to treat the water or something.

I can’t even imagine how I would boil the water I use to run through the dishwasher or clean my dishes with boiling water by hand sounds super fun.

Is it safe to use the dishwasher?

In: 803

78 Answers

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Anonymous 0 Comments

The dishwasher soap helps the hot water rinse the e-coli off the dishes. Make sure to use the “dry” feature, because drying will kill any remaining bacteria.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The dishwasher soap helps the hot water rinse the e-coli off the dishes. Make sure to use the “dry” feature, because drying will kill any remaining bacteria.

Anonymous 0 Comments


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Anonymous 0 Comments

If you are really concerned, there is a popular home fermentation hobbyist sanitizer called “Star-San”. It’s pretty cheap considering how concentrated it is and you can just spray your surfaces with it from a diluted spray bottle. It makes extremely short work of nearly all human pathogens, E Coli included.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The dishwasher soap helps the hot water rinse the e-coli off the dishes. Make sure to use the “dry” feature, because drying will kill any remaining bacteria.

Anonymous 0 Comments


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