How do distilled spirits retain flavors from alcohol before distillation?

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For example, I’ve heard bourbon is sweeter than other whiskies because it’s made from corn, rhum agricole is grassy because of sugarcane, and tequila is vegetal because of agave. What I understand is distillation concentrates alcohol because alcohol has a lower boiling point than water, so it’s heated and the vapor condenses on the other side. So how do flavors make it through? Also, aren’t sugars way bigger/heavier than alcohol and water? How do they make it all the way through?

In: Chemistry

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

No distillation is perfect, and most spirits are 80-ish proof (that’s 40% alcohol and 60% water and other stuff). While more perfect distillation is possible in chemistry labs, that’s more expensive (not good for spirit company profits) and the result, something like Everclear, is much lest tasty to drink (not good for spirit company profits). The companies that make this stuff are in it for the money, and their recipes are all about a good tasting affordable to make product. That makes the so-so distillation they are doing just the right thing to do.

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