How do DNA paternity/maternity tests work?


Each person’s DNA is unique. Sperm carries half of DNA, and eggs carry half, but the mother/father have billions of sperm cells and eggs. What do those sperm cells and eggs have in common? How do DNA test know my parents are indeed my parents? How similar is my DNA with my siblings?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I can answer one piece
Sperm has 100% of dad egg has 100% of mom that’s 200%. You only need 100 so you get 1/2 your mom and 1/2 your dad. Your siblings start fresh with the 1/2 of parents. There would likely be some same but not exact unless there’s a twin identical. Even fraternal twins are different mixtures due to new eggs and sperm for each.
Paternity tests are looking for matches the higher the matches the closer you’re related.

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