How do DNA paternity/maternity tests work?


Each person’s DNA is unique. Sperm carries half of DNA, and eggs carry half, but the mother/father have billions of sperm cells and eggs. What do those sperm cells and eggs have in common? How do DNA test know my parents are indeed my parents? How similar is my DNA with my siblings?

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4 Answers

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You get one set of chromosomes from each parent. You have 23 pairs for 46 total chromosomes. And you always get one of each pair from each parent. Even though everyone’s DNA is unique, 99.9% of it is identical. That .1% is where we look for the differences. The thing is, we have so much DNA that .1% is a lot, so we can compare those small changes to identify parentage.

Humans and chimpanzees share 99% of their DNA, and we are still very different. Humans and bananas share 50% of their DNA, and we are extremely different. We just know where to look for those differences.

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