How do doctors make predictions of how long someone will live or if they’ll ever walk normally again?


I was rewatching an old video on YouTube and the guy was able to walk again after 10 months of practicing yoga and losing 140 lbs. If no one on earth can exactly predict when someone will die or if they’ll be able to walk again, how and why do doctors come up with these predictions?

In: Mathematics

30 Answers

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A lot of that figuring is based off both similar cases and a linear projection of the patient’s life. It’s likely that the guy you mentioned would have followed the doctor’s predictions if he hadn’t done a complete 180° in his lifestyle. Some people hear that and give up, some are motivated to prove the doctor wrong.

A doctor told me that if I didn’t have my knee replaced in 8th grade, I likely would be able to walk when I was 20. I’m 32 and, while I have some issues on occasion, i walk, run, lift, ski and hike just fine. But that’s because I learned to listen to my body and did intense physical rehabilitation and still work on keeping my knees both strong and protected. If I kept acting like a kid and never paid any mind to my body, I’d be on my 2nd or 3rd knee by now.

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