How do dried fruits have more sugar than fresh fruits?


How do dried fruits have more sugar than fresh fruits?

In: 5

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Serving size. You can easily eat 3 apples worth of dried apple in 1 sitting. But you would not do that with a fresh apple.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s more sugar *per unit of weight*

Let’s just half-ass some numbers. Say an apple has 100 calories of sugar in it, and weighs 200 grams. That’s .5 calories/gram

Now you remove half the water via dehydration. It now weighs 100g and still ha 100 calories of sugar in it, so now it has 1 calorie/g.

Same total amount of sugar, more sugar per unit of weight

Anonymous 0 Comments

1. Many dried fruits have sugar, or fruit juice, added to them to help preserve or flavor them. Get in the habit of reading the ingredients on foods that you buy.

2. Varieties of fruit that are commercially dried may have been bred to have more sugar.

3. Take a better look at what is being measured and compared. As a hypothetical example, imagine a 10 ounce fruit that is 50% water and 40% sugar when picked, and then is dried to produce 5 ounces of dried fruit that is now 75% sugar.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Do they have the same amount of fiber?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Assuming no added sugar, proportions.

Dried fruit has no water left in it.

So the same weight of sugar is left behind in a much smaller weight of fruit.

As someone else said this also means you end up eating more than you would if the water was still in it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

>*Because the water has been removed from dried fruit, this concentrates all the sugar and calories in a much smaller package.*

Anonymous 0 Comments

Fresh fruit has water weight.

Say an apple has between 100g to 200g of weight.

When you dry them, they have the same amount of sugar, but only 1/3 the weight.

100 g of dried apple might have the same sugar content of 3 regular apples.