How do drones in drone shows manage to calibrate their positions so precisely?


Surely they can’t be using GPS for positions just a few feet apart.

Also, how quickly can they respond to wind and such?

In: 699

23 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I was going to not comment but there is so much wrong GPS/GNSS information in the comments.
I’m not going to go into all the corrections, to many, just wanted to point out that not all the statements/facts regarding GPS are correct.
My one sentence on how the likely are doing the drone show is RTK GNSS plus other sensors to get 2-5cm horizontal and vertical position accuracies. Totally doable and achievable. Speculating that they are using RTK but not on the achievable accuracies.

Source: I am a software developer developing RTK positioning engines at one of the leading GNSS companies. Have 2 degrees in the field of GNSS as well.

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