How do earbuds deliver deep bass frequencies with such tiny drivers?


Usually when you have a smaller speaker, you sacrifice the low end, but earbuds seem to manage to deliver substantial bass nonetheless. I assume the proximity to the eardrum helps, but I don’t fully understand how.

In: 2000

24 Answers

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relative to the ear canal theyre filling some have huge or multiple drivers inside, some even have planar magnetic drivers at nearly 15mm like the Letshouer S12 or 7Hz Timeless which go even further into the low and high end of the frequency range providing full sub-bass like you get from much larger headphones

others achieve it by having multiple “drivers” or essentially speakers in the shell for different frequency ranges eg like you have on a pair of floor standing speakers this can be a mixture of Balanced Armature (AKA BA generally better for mids/highs) or dynamic (speakers as you know them if you will but tiny ones, like the ones in a pair of floorstanders by design, good at low end)

some also manage to use a single driver to excellent effect too, even BA but theyre not the ideal for bass and sub-bass it depends on the design and quality

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