How do earbuds deliver deep bass frequencies with such tiny drivers?


Usually when you have a smaller speaker, you sacrifice the low end, but earbuds seem to manage to deliver substantial bass nonetheless. I assume the proximity to the eardrum helps, but I don’t fully understand how.

In: 2000

24 Answers

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Think of a how a big 12” subwoofer sounds in a normal sized room.

Now, think of your ear canal, air-sealed by an earbud, as a tiny, tiny version of that room.

There’s less air and less space for the air to move around in, therefore a much smaller speaker can deliver comparable, if not better sound directly to your eardrum.

It’s basically just a much more efficient delivery system.

Instead of trying to fill a big room up with sound so that your ears pick up some of it, you’re gettin the sound directly injected into your ears with almost no waste.

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