how do engineers create new machines that couldn’t be done before? How do they discover or come up with new technologies?


how do engineers create new machines that couldn’t be done before? How do they discover or come up with new technologies?

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18 Answers

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Short answer: Countless hours of relentless study.

They also build on each other’s work.
It took a bunch of hard work and genius for the steam engine to be invented, but once it existed a bunch of people created machines powered by a steam engine.

When electricity was discovered, people started working on ways to harness it’s power. Once they figured that out, they started working on ways to store it (batteries), and generate it. With electricity, computers became possible. With computers, more complex math became possible. With more complex math, better computers became possible. It keeps going.

It’s the same as a child learning math. They first need to learn to count before they can add, and they keep building on the skills.

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