how do essential oil diffusers make water vapor without getting hot?


i bought a personal one because it gets pretty dry in my house and i figured a bit of extra water vapor would help my sinuses. i know from experience with family owning some that they don’t actually get hot, and i cant feel any warm spots on the diffuser. if i lift the reservoir lid up i just see vapor and a tiny jet of water. how tf does this thing make vapor?

In: 86

2 Answers

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If you slap water, little droplets fly off. Diffuser uses piezoelectric (meaning that it uses a piece of material that changes its shape when voltage is applied) transducer to “slap” water many tens of thousands times per second, so very small (mist-like) droplets fly off. But this is not steam, just suspended mist. However, this mist has a lot of surface area for the volume of liquid that it has, so liquid quickly evaporates mosturizing the air and dispersing aromas that are dissolved in it. Interesting side effect happens when you use it with hard (mineral-rich) water: since water is not boiling, all minerals dissolved in it stay dissolved in the mist, and turn into fine sand-dust when mist evaporates.

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