How do extremely selective Universities discren between highly qualified student candidates ?


Top schools will often receiveds hundreds of thousands of well qualified applications while having an accpetance rate of 10% or lower. Assuming that most students that apply to the school are well placed in terms of grades, test scores, foreign language and extra curriculurs , how does the school discern between an accepted candidate and a rejected candidate ?

I have always wondered this …

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6 Answers

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Well it’s not like they’re restricted to admitting an exact number of students. Because there’s still the issue that the admitted students get to pick if they want to go to your school or a different school.

So if it ever came down to, you have approximately 1 spot available but you have 2 nearly equal applicants, then accept both.

But in reality, there are other factors that are considered, which may seem unfair to some students but reflects the mission of the university or something similar. For example, a state university often admits at least some applicants from each county in the state, even if this means a B student from a less populated county got in ahead of a B student from a more populated or more competitive county.

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