How do fingerprint scanners work on phones?


Especially the really small ones on the side.

In: 316

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Even though others gave a good explanation I will try it too but more ELI5 way.

Traditionally lets start with some metaphor.
Think of a flute. When you blow air into it, the air flows through and makes a sound. Now imagine you put your finger on one of the holes of the flute. What happens? The air can’t pass through that hole anymore, so it bounces back, creating a different sound.

Now, let’s shrink down the flute to the size of a small button on your phone. Boom, you have a fingerprint sensor.

Instead of air, the sensor uses a special technology to feel the tiny electrical signals from your skin. When you place your finger on the sensor, it measures the way the electricity moves through your skin

Your fingerprint has unique patterns, like the lines and swirls on your fingertips. These patterns affect how the electrical signals reflect back to the sensor.

The sensor can pick up those differences and create a digital version of your fingerprint.

In a nutshell, the fingerprint sensor is like a tiny flute with just one hole that feels the unique patterns of your finger, and if it matches the right tune, it lets you in.

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