How do gadget manufacturers determine how many and what size batteries a device should take?


For example, a tv remote needing two AA batteries instead of four AAA batteries.

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6 Answers

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It’s usually a balancing act between battery life and form.

You could make a remote with four D batteries that would probably outlast the TV, but it would be absurdly large.

You could also power it with a button battery and have a tiny remote, but you’d have to replace it 4x a year.

AA’s and AAA’s are right about the sweet spots for TV remotes, small enough to fit in the hand, while large enough to only need replacing a few times in its life. Each AA battery is going to have about 3x the battery life of a AAA battery. So between them, it often depends on what shape the lead designer want the remote to be. If they want it thinner, then AAA’s are better, but sacrifice a bit of battery life for it. If the remote is already large, then it’s not a big deal to have larger batteries.

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