How do gaming servers work?


I know that there is some sort of sever to client relationship but how does it work simply?

In: Technology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It kind of depends on the game.

The game usually has two sides: the server side and the client side. The server handles all of the physics and actually running the game, while the client displays everything on your screen and handles inputs, textures, etc.

As for the connection, you can think of the server as a central hub with every player’s client connecting to it. If the connection between the server and the client has latency or is interrupted, the game will have server lag.

Some games (The nintendo switch uses this a lot) have what is known as a “Peer to peer” connection, where all of the server-side logic happens on the device of the person hosting the game.

Anonymous 0 Comments

a service is just a computer program that runs on a computer we designate as the master communicator. it’s job is to allow clients to connect, receive messages from clients, and in return reply messages to clients. a simple game server for…let’s say tic tac toe. it accepts a connection from player1. accepts another connection from player2. tells player1 that it’s your turn. player1 send message put X in square 5. server replies, move accepted. server sends player2, player1 has put X in square 5, it’s your turn. player2 sends message put O in square 3. server replies, move accepted. message to player1, player2 has put O in square 3, its your turn. player1 tries to cheat, send message put X in square 3. server replies move not accepted, that square is occupied by player 2, try again.

etc etc. messages and replies