How do gaming servers work?


I know that there is some sort of sever to client relationship but how does it work simply?

In: Technology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

a service is just a computer program that runs on a computer we designate as the master communicator. it’s job is to allow clients to connect, receive messages from clients, and in return reply messages to clients. a simple game server for…let’s say tic tac toe. it accepts a connection from player1. accepts another connection from player2. tells player1 that it’s your turn. player1 send message put X in square 5. server replies, move accepted. server sends player2, player1 has put X in square 5, it’s your turn. player2 sends message put O in square 3. server replies, move accepted. message to player1, player2 has put O in square 3, its your turn. player1 tries to cheat, send message put X in square 3. server replies move not accepted, that square is occupied by player 2, try again.

etc etc. messages and replies

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