How do genetic testing kits like the ones with work?


I understand it matches DNA from their database, and helps you meet your blood relative, but for it to be completely accurate wouldn’t every person have to use the kit for the data to be up to date?
Also, how do people have varying percentages of nationalities? Shouldn’t DNA % be a fraction of 2 because it goes like 1/2 then 1/4th, 1/8th and so on (because we have 2 sets of biological parents)

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

As you get more people in the database, the probability of getting any sort of match – showing some relationship – increases exponentially (actually its more of a logistic curve, but at first it looks exponential-like)

So people from the same village back in say scotland had more shared blood than average, so you get a relationship there. Some distant cousin already sent his kit. A bit more. People from an area have a preponderance of a couple specific types of gene – so it raises the odds your family came from there.

Eventually as people send stuff to these databases their knowledge becomes overwhelmingly wide and far-reaching.

And then they sell this information.

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