How do geographical features affect tornados? Can any stop them?


Im wondering how hills, mountains, volcanoes, valleys, canyons, rivers, lakes, oceans and anything I left out affects a tornado–is it safer on one side of a hill/lake than another or will a tornado just plow through or over the hill? I imagine the tornado strength will have an impact but what is best case and worst case (for the tornado). Who wins in the various matchips of geography vs wind?

In: 6

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lives in Oklahoma*

Cave formations would be the greatest defense against tornados using geography. You do not want to be outside at all during a tornado. The reason they tell you to get underground or hide behind walls is the debris a tornado will throw around. Tornado’s love to suck up dangerous solid material and usually death occurs by contact with that debris. Of course it could throw you miles away from your location, but you’ll die from getting hit by debris first.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lives in Oklahoma*

Cave formations would be the greatest defense against tornados using geography. You do not want to be outside at all during a tornado. The reason they tell you to get underground or hide behind walls is the debris a tornado will throw around. Tornado’s love to suck up dangerous solid material and usually death occurs by contact with that debris. Of course it could throw you miles away from your location, but you’ll die from getting hit by debris first.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lives in Oklahoma*

Cave formations would be the greatest defense against tornados using geography. You do not want to be outside at all during a tornado. The reason they tell you to get underground or hide behind walls is the debris a tornado will throw around. Tornado’s love to suck up dangerous solid material and usually death occurs by contact with that debris. Of course it could throw you miles away from your location, but you’ll die from getting hit by debris first.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Trees. afaik the air in a tornado comes horizontally from ground level. If you cut all the trees (for farmland) there is not horizontal resistance against wind, so it can travel at full speed up into the tornado. Whereas trees provide a constant resistance against horizontal winds.

Its like trying to slide across ice compared to sandpaper.

Trees also regulate temperature by creating clouds by releasing terpenes that the water molecules can bind to to make clouds and rain. Unbalanced temperatures lead to tornadoes (when those temperatures collide).

So trees should be part of the solution, and cutting them down is part of the root of the problem.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Trees. afaik the air in a tornado comes horizontally from ground level. If you cut all the trees (for farmland) there is not horizontal resistance against wind, so it can travel at full speed up into the tornado. Whereas trees provide a constant resistance against horizontal winds.

Its like trying to slide across ice compared to sandpaper.

Trees also regulate temperature by creating clouds by releasing terpenes that the water molecules can bind to to make clouds and rain. Unbalanced temperatures lead to tornadoes (when those temperatures collide).

So trees should be part of the solution, and cutting them down is part of the root of the problem.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Trees. afaik the air in a tornado comes horizontally from ground level. If you cut all the trees (for farmland) there is not horizontal resistance against wind, so it can travel at full speed up into the tornado. Whereas trees provide a constant resistance against horizontal winds.

Its like trying to slide across ice compared to sandpaper.

Trees also regulate temperature by creating clouds by releasing terpenes that the water molecules can bind to to make clouds and rain. Unbalanced temperatures lead to tornadoes (when those temperatures collide).

So trees should be part of the solution, and cutting them down is part of the root of the problem.