How Do Gift Cards Become Compromised?


I purchased a gift card from the Kroger by me and within two days, all the funds had been spent, save for a few dollars. How did the culprit obtain the info as well as the PIN that I set? It was one of the gift cards that’s allegedly safe because the barcode is hidden, but clearly that’s untrue.

Edit: it wasn’t an exposed gift card, I had to tear it away from a perforated envelope of cardboard and then scan it myself through self-checkout. It was one of them that is enclosed in cardboard packaging to prevent any numbers from being exposed.

In: 43

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Everyone here is just taking wild guesses haha I used to be a manager at a CVS. What I found was scummy thieve people would come in, ESPECIALLY around the holidays, steal a bunch of gift cards off the rack, then take and print photos of the barcodes.

They would then take a gift card, place the photo of a barcode they had just printed OVER another barcode and then place some gift cards back on the rack with the alternate barcodes, so when a person grabs a gift card off the rack and the cashier goes to activate the gift card, they would be activating the photo of the barcode that the thieves already had a hold of.

So PSA- always inspect your gift cards, especially the VISA and MasterCard ones with flaps where it’s easy to paste a barcode over. And always make sure the last digits on the receipt MATCH the last 3 or 4 digits on your gift card BEFORE leaving the store!! (I hope this makes sense, I’m on mobile and my phone keyboard is having issues)

EDIT: I just noticed OP said the barcode did not show on theirs but I’ll leave this PSA here anyways

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