How do governments and militaries test out nuclear weapons without creating disastrous effects on the environment/ecosystem?


Just like the title says, I don’t understand how they can test nuclear bombs in the desert, or Bikini Atoll (in the ocean) without permanently irradiating the ecosystem (and consequently, Earth) beyond repair.

They’ve tested dozens and dozens of nuclear bombs throughout the years, and I’m confused why that hasn’t messed our world up?

In: 352

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The fear of nuclear winter and the world ending is not because the bombs are nuclear. It is because they are powerful bombs and the idea is the major cities and gas plants and refineries will be on fire and the smoke will black out the Sun. That or the wide spread destruction just damages too much crops and infrastructure.

Look at Japan, they live in the cities still and they’re fine. The places they tested are very very very small in comparison to the world. They are fucked still though. Same with where they put all the waste from the bombs.

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