How do governments and militaries test out nuclear weapons without creating disastrous effects on the environment/ecosystem?


Just like the title says, I don’t understand how they can test nuclear bombs in the desert, or Bikini Atoll (in the ocean) without permanently irradiating the ecosystem (and consequently, Earth) beyond repair.

They’ve tested dozens and dozens of nuclear bombs throughout the years, and I’m confused why that hasn’t messed our world up?

In: 352

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Perhaps your perspective on radiation needs updating.

Radiation is perfectly natural. Every living thing that has ever existed has been naturally radioactive. This was true for over a billion years before human beings existed, and has not changed appreciably. This means that every bite of food you have ever eaten has been radioactive, and so is your own body.

Naturally-occurring radioactive elements (uranium, thorium, potassium) are fairly common in the earth’s crust and the earth’s oceans. Also, radioactive material (e.g. Carbon-14) is constantly produced in the earth’s atmosphere by natural processes. Every breath of air every human being has ever taken has been naturally radioactive.

The amount of radioactive material produced by all the weapons tests ever conducted is tiny compared to the amounts that exist in nature.

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