how do helicopters fly?


I get that the spinny fan like pulls it up but like how does it spin because if I theoretically have a massive fan that spun at extreme speeds will my house fly?
Plus why do helicopters need spinny things when literally every other thing that flies just has wings and an engine. Also if the fan spins why does it spinning pull it up like when it’s on the ground it stays still but when it’s in the sky u can like manoeuvre it 360 like what.

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30 Answers

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It’s called rotary wing.

Helicopter has wings that are rotated around to simulate the work of plane wings. These are the blades of the main rotor.

There rear fan is the same but is there just to counter the torque of the main one.

Generally, you spin the thing at 100% speed all the time, and you change the wings (fan blades if you like) angle to go up or down.

You can apply differential angle to left-right and front-rear wings to give lateral and longitudinal control. (Nose up and down, and roll left or right). Example: blade can be lifting 10 when passing in the rear, 8 when is right, 6 when is in the front, and 8 on the left; in this turn around the rotor the blade has lifted the helicopter but also forced the nose down. How to actually connect the pilot stick to this system is one of the pricey pats fo the helicopter, and need a dedicated one hour lesson to understand properly.

You can change the angle of the rear fan rotating wings to increase or decrease its force, hence rotate the heli on the yaw axis (nose to the left nose to the right)

Note that the whole thing is massively inefficient and worth using only if you don’t have a runway for a plane. Approximately, you need three times more engine power than a plane with the same capacity.

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