how do helicopters fly?


I get that the spinny fan like pulls it up but like how does it spin because if I theoretically have a massive fan that spun at extreme speeds will my house fly?
Plus why do helicopters need spinny things when literally every other thing that flies just has wings and an engine. Also if the fan spins why does it spinning pull it up like when it’s on the ground it stays still but when it’s in the sky u can like manoeuvre it 360 like what.

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30 Answers

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The blades are shaped in a way that pushes air down. The blades are spun by the engine.

There are helicopters that have multiple huge blades and are used for transport. It depends how big your house is as to whether it could fly with a big enough blade, but probably not.

The way they move is the base of the blade pivots so the blades push the air in the desired direction. During takeoff they push the air straight down to allow the helicopter to rise.

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