How do ICBM early warning systems differentiate between a real threat and a launch of a normal rocket intended to go to space?


How do ICBM early warning systems differentiate between a real threat and a launch of a normal rocket intended to go to space?

In: 2759

27 Answers

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To add on:

We pretty much know where rockets can get launched from, and are monitoring those. We know *when* a planned launch will be, and we watch very closely during that time. We watch to make sure that the communication satellite launch is actually launched to a geosynchronous orbit trajectory.

We also watch so that we can then train other members on a launch. Look, guys, did you see a launch? We also can also train our software on the launches. Our satellites can pick up a bunch of *events*, so knowing what is and is not a launch gets important.

Source: 2nd Space Warning Squadron team member a long time ago (before SBIRS)

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