• How do IDMs miss audio from some websites?


So there’s this website I visited some time ago and played a coue of songs there expecting my IDM to catch the audio urls but it didn’t go as expected. The IDM would not catch the download link. Now this got me wondering how the IDM missed the link all the time, is it some kind of protection? How does it all work?

PS: understand a thing or two about web development.

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There could be a lot of answers here, but I would guess it’s not audio specific, and has more to do with redirects. I can put a link to a resource on my page, and some tool like an IDM can recognize what kind of resource is at that link, and that the link will initiate a download. But, if it’s a large file, I likely don’t want to host it myself, so instead I host it elsewhere, and link to them. My link now isn’t to the resource, but to this other service’s API, which likely tries to find some server that can best serve me the file, and in some cases, this can appear to the IDM as just another link on the web.

The typical experience of clicking the link and a file downloading is the same for the user, but in the background, I actually bounce around a few times, obfuscating what’s happening to the IDM.

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