How do life forms move?


The explanation I’ve heard is that we can move because our muscles expand and contract. But then I don’t know how they do that. It feels to me like the answer I hear about how I can move is “smaller things that you are made from move and it makes you move”. I would like to understand on a fundamental level how this process works. I want to know what the smallest component of that process does that results in me being able to do something like type on a keyboard. Thanks.

In: 2

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of organic molecules as magnets shaped like puzzle pieces. When they come across another molecule that has the right magnetism and shape, they connect, forming a new shape with new magnetism. This new molecule can now connect with different molecules than before.

Everything your cells do, including the expansions and contractions that create movement, are just chain reactions of molecules linking together or splitting apart to form new shapes. Ultimately, all movement is just little magnets interacting with each other.

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