A lot of different things, the basic premise of low cost is to remove everything that is “non essential” (or add it back as a fee)
* So they’re only cheap if you stick to the bare minimum: moving from A to B, but they’ll slap you with additional fees for everything (carry on bag, seat selection, etc). It would be interesting to see what is the real average ticket price per customer.
* They use out of the way airports with lower fees
* They’ll cut corners on everything up to the legal limit, like making their pilots fly more hours etc.
Edit: Looked up last Annual Report for Ryanair .
Ancillary Revenues (inflight sales, luggage fees, etc) add ~47% vs Ticket sales.
So for a 100€ Flight, they on average book 147€ total revenues.
Edit2: I’m talking from memory, so it might not be true anymore, but they also used to have a “simpler” fleet of planes (like leasing a bunch of A320 from Airbus) that made maintenance simpler vs the large companies that have a mix of Boeing, Airbus, long range/short range.
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