How do master keys work?


How come Key A can open Lock A. Key B can open Lock B. But not lock A. And key C can open all the locks? Doesn’t that mean A and B should be able to open each other?

In: 731

17 Answers

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Depending on the lockset, different pins of varying heights are used. The master key is set to work with the initial pin configuration, followed by the other keys interacting with the additional pin discs used to build them.

I used to build locksets for our medical facility. We had three master lock setups: one for the main facility; one for the pharmacy (and related storage areas); and one for the mental health wing. Even though I’m not a locksmith, I performed the function of a locksmith, including using lockpicks to open cabinets that the staff had lost keys to. I never tried to open safes though.

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