how do mood stabilizers like lamotrigine work?


I read some stuff about it because I’m prescribed it but I’m only 16 and not a genius so half of the words they use to explain it makes 0 sense to me

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It was originally developed to treat seizures and is classified as an anti convulsant. It inhibits voltage gated sodium channels in neurons and therefore reduces electrical signals thought to propagate seizures .

No one knows how it works for mood swings. They think that decreasing electrical activity in the brain prevents mood swings but they’re not quite sure how, so it’s not surprising you’re asking questions about it. All they know is that in trials compared with placebo, it seems to help people feel better.

Anonymous 0 Comments

* Mood stabilizers like lamotrigine work by balancing the levels of certain chemicals in the brain.

* These chemicals, called neurotransmitters, are responsible for transmitting messages between nerve cells.

* Mood stabilizers help to regulate the levels of these neurotransmitters and make them more stable.

* This helps to stabilize the mood and reduce the symptoms of mood disorders such as bipolar disorder and depression.

* Mood stabilizers can also help to prevent mood swings and reduce the risk of developing mood disorders.

* They work differently for different people, and it may take some time to find the right dosage and combination of medications that work best for an individual