How do motor cross riders know how fast to hit a ramp/jump to land safely on the downramp?


Like, how do they figure out how to not overshoot or case it? Was just watching a guy hit a heap of jumps in an arena and he got every single landing perfect.

In: 615

21 Answers

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As others have said mostly experience. Though one thing to consider is you don’t have to hit the jump with exact speed. By that I mean you can hit the same ramp at the same speed and land in very different spots. If you know you’re a bit slow, you can push into the jump face which will pre-load the suspension a bit more, so that it will give you a boost and you go a bit further. If you’re a bit fast, you can “absorb” the jump into your body which has the opposite effect so you fly lower. Racers use this technique to go faster, as you can hit the same jump faster. Extreme example of that is the “Bubba scrub” [](

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