How do motor cross riders know how fast to hit a ramp/jump to land safely on the downramp?


Like, how do they figure out how to not overshoot or case it? Was just watching a guy hit a heap of jumps in an arena and he got every single landing perfect.

In: 615

21 Answers

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I’ve never ridden motocross, but I have hit thousands of jumps on skis and I feel like this concept is the same across both sports.

There’s no way I can explain it other than to say that you just develop a sense for it after some practice. It’s very analogous to how a basketball player knows how hard to throw the ball to get it into the basket from any given distance.

Additionally, there is some leeway built into the system. Each jump has a landing ramp, usually sized proportionally to the size of the jump itself. You generally want to land right around the middle of it, but landing almost anywhere on the ramp is okay so you’ll still be alright if you overshoot or undershoot by a bit.

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