How do muscles get stronger without getting “bigger”?


I can squat 10 more pounds than I could 6 weeks ago, but my body weight hasn’t changed. In the same vein, I’ve seen skinny dudes rip 300 pounds off the floor.

In: 58

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I mean everyone else has scientific answers I don’t. But you’re going to be the last one to see change in your body because you see it everyday and the changes may seem minor to you or none but if you talk to your mom she will probably tell you that you look stronger! Moms are great at that.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Go on tabletennis and train it as pro as you can with coach. You will loose fat and muscles will get stronger but not so big. Exception is legs which will get some muscle change in terms of size 🙂 I am 42 and train tabletennis for a year, lost 12KG’s from 98 to 86 KG. My musles got much stronger but not bigger just more lively 🙂

Anonymous 0 Comments

In college this tiny little Asian guy asked me to spot him. Couldn’t have weighed more than a buck ten. Rail thin. He put up multiple reps of 225 on the incline bench. I was like …. Dude….

Anonymous 0 Comments

Strong fascia, the muscles you’ve been working out have just been adding bulk to your connective tissues.Once the infrastructure for supporting more weight comes then finally your muscles will start to grow. Conversely you are replacing water and fat with muscle to begin with so your weight will stay constant for as long as you’re transitioning. Once both the added strength of your frame and the increased mobility of fluids for your muscles are in play then you’ll start to bulk up. But there is a certain method you can follow to stay relatively small and keep growing in strength. Hard labor does this by constant exertion, long repetition, and not letting your body heal before more exertion.

Anonymous 0 Comments

your central nervous system gets better at activating the right muscle fibers, in the right order and at the right time. You get stronger, but also more skillful and that counts for a lot.

I had a junk removal company send 2 dudes to help me clear out a storage unit. one was big and muscular, one was small and somewhat skinny. the big one laughed and said just wait till you see which of us can lift and move more. he was right. the weaker-looking guy just somehow could do far more— whether that was skill or better utilization of his muscles I don’t know, but it certainly wasn’t pure brawn.

Anonymous 0 Comments

body weight not changing does not mean you didnt gain muscle. Amount of fat burned could be balanced by muscle gained. Even so, your weight fluctuates by amount of water, food you consumed.

Also if you are a beginner, you get more proficient at squatting more, even with the same exact body as you did last week.