how do mushrooms and LSD work?


I’ve never understood how they make people see things. Same thing with ayahuasca. Obviously, there’s some sort of chemical reaction within our brain like with any drug, but what about these makes us see things that aren’t there? Also, how does our brain create so many realistic images in front of us without them being real?

In: 31

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t know the technical answer. But it’s just an extension of something most people experience naturally. You ever look at clouds and see things in them? Or maybe see faces in trees as a kid? What we see on LSD and Shrooms is that only moreso. You have to take some *very* high doses to think “woah a dragon” and not “woah that rock wall looks like a dragon”. In evolutionary terms, our brains developed this as a skill to find faces of camouflaged predators. Again I don’t know the chemistry but, at least in terms of “seeing things”, that’s one of the main things being enhanced (or rather you could say our ability to do it as little as possible is impaired).

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