How do music artists earn money with their songs played on radio?


During my vacation I’ve browsed through a lot of radio channels and every one was playing the new Miley Cyrus Song at some point and very frequently and I asked myself how she or any other artist earn money from the radio stations.

Does the artist really get a certain amount for every time the song gets played on any station on any country or does she like sell the rights to play the song as much as the radio stations want for a certain amount? How does it work?

I’m specifically asking about radio, not Spotify or smth similar.


In: 2

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hi, previous music publishing worker here ..

In Canada and USA, generally speaking, these radio royalties are collected through two sides (performing and mechanical royalties) .. the copyright law requires broadcast radio stations to pay loyalties on songs they use, and these royalties are paid to the mechanical + performing rights agencies/societies.. with that being said, these royalties are collected by the societies/agencies and are handed out to the publishers and songwriters of the song (based on their splits that were agreed upon when these songwriters and publishers sign up with the society).

If the performing artist (singer/rapper) does not have a songwriting or publishing split (aka credit) for the track then they do not get paid for it.

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