how do nails form


I was wondering after looking at a scar from those bits that peel from the cuticle. I understand the parts and their individual jobs but I can’t put it on the assembly line in my head .

In: 7

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Basically, deep down your nail is a group of cells that form the matrix of the nail. These cells have an extreme proliferative ability, meaning they can divide very quickly.

As they divide, they push older cells outwards and those older cells exit under your cuticle forming a nail.

Note that nails and hair grow similarly, meaning that they grow from the root/matrix, and not from the top/apex. If you paint your nails or your hair, after a few weeks, you’ll notice new nails at the base of your finger/scalp, not at the tip. This new nail was formed by the matrix cells that have divided so much and pushed themselves outside to form new nail/hair

If you have further question, feel free to ask