How do neutrons keep protons together in an atom’s core if they don’t have a charge?


Wouldn’t it make more sense if neutrons had a negative charge so the protons would be attracted towards it? Is it just the neutrons mass that keeps the protons together?

In: 14

3 Answers

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The strong nuclear force is what holds the nucleus together

This is a separate force from the Electromagnetic Force which is what you think of with Positive and Negative charges.

The strong force is very strong as the name implies, but it is very short range. So it can only take effect within the nucleus.

Even a very short distance away from the nucleus the Electromagnetic force is stronger, which is what causes the Protons to repel each other. Only in the heart of a star is their enough energy for the Protons to come close enough to overpower EM and fuse together. Once 2 Protons fuse one of them becomes a neutron and releases energy as a positron and a neutrino.

Lone Neutrons meanwhile have a half life of 10.3 minutes and will decay into Protons via neutron beta decay

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