How do non-diabetics keep their blood sugar from going low?


My understanding is that diabetics have a pancreas that does not produce insulin or the body has stopped reacting to insulin, which mean they can get really high blood sugar because nothing metabolizes is.

But why does that cause diabetic people to also get low blood sugar more often than non-diabetics? If I eat a cake, my body produces a bunch of insulin to metabolize, then I go work out for an hour, my blood sugar won’t be as low as a diabetic who did the same.

In: 24

33 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because they are manually adding insulin. The body has a control system set up to control blood sugar levels. In diabetics this is broken and then every so often have to add a large amount of insulin. The body doesn’t just dump a ton of insulin, it does so gradually as needed.

The automatic insulin pumps can help reducing the incidents of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) by providing a more measured control of insulin delivery.

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