How do optometrists determine what strength prescription a toddler needs with such limited communication skills?


How do optometrists determine what strength prescription a toddler needs with such limited communication skills?

In: 7

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Others have made good explanations but you’ve just reminded me of using Cardiff acuity cards in a previous A&E job.

They let you know if a young child was managing to see and roughly how well if we had concerns (part of neurology exam). They were aimed at about 12-30 months.

It’s a set of A4 grey cards with simple line drawings in white on them (house, duck etc). The white lines on the pictures got progressively thinner of the cards so it got more and more difficult to see gi at the grey. You sat child on parents lap and you sat either 50cm or 1m away with the cards stacked in order and go through them relatively quickly while watching the kids eyes. They’d flick up and down depending on if the picture was at the top or bottom of the card. Really effective in a calm child and always made me smile doing it since I though it was such a clever test, and the kids usually smiled at the pictures. Thanks for the memory

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