How do other countries run with high prices of fuel?


Other countries pay 7 dollars a gallon for fuel, the US pays 4 a gallon. How do other countries function with such high fuel prices? How do things get transported? How does the economy run?

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10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

People use less fuel

That’s it, that’s how.

Now how do they do that? Well first off the US has some of the most fuel-inefficient cars on average. In the US personal vehicles average about 25 mpg, in Europe, it’s about 38 mpg. So even when they do drive it’s using less gas.

Secondly, they need to drive less. US cities are just…built wrong so everyone needs to or at least feels like they need to drive *everywhere.* There is very little if any public transportation within anything but the largest cities, and even those networks are terrible compared to most of Europe. And forget about potentially cycling or walking anywhere. And no, it’s not because the US is “a bigger country” the cities are just built to make you need a car in the US and aren’t in Europe (for the most part)

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