How do our brains store information?


Is this a chemical action and/or electrical? Perhaps a combination of both?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Our brains store memories in a process called encoding. Encoding is when we take information from the world around us and turn it into a memory. This can happen in different ways, but usually involves making a mental representation of the thing we want to remember. For example, if you wanted to remember what you had for breakfast this morning, you would first have to encode that information into your brain. This might involve creating a mental image of your breakfast, or thinking about the taste and smell of the food. Once the information is encoded in your brain, it can be stored there for a period of time. The length of time that a memory can be stored depends on how often it is used or accessed. If we use or think about a memory frequently, it will be easier to recall later on. However, if we don’t use or think about a memory very often, it may start to fade over time.

The brain is constantly taking in information from the world around us through our senses. In order to make sense of this information, the brain needs to encode it into neural activity. This process starts with sensory receptors sending signals to the central nervous system. The central nervous system then relays these signals to the appropriate area of the brain responsible for processing that type of information. For example, visual information goes to the occipital lobe while auditory information goes to the temporal lobe.

Once the signal reaches its destination in the brain, neurons begin firing in response to it. The pattern of neuron firing encodes the information in a way that is meaningful to the brain. This encoding allows us to perceive and interpret our surroundings and store memories for later recall.

Different types of information are encoded differently by the brain. For instance, spatial relationships are represented by patterns of neuronal activity across different areas of cortex while features like color or shape are represented by activity within a specific region. Temporal aspects like timing and duration are also encoded by specialised neural circuits. Ultimately, all this complex encoding allows us to interact with our environment and make decisions based on what we see, hear, and feel.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The information is stored in the structure of your brain as connections between brain cells.

Anonymous 0 Comments

⬇️ Is a fantastic answer. And here I suspected there were tiny little people with chalk boards and a switchboard-esque method of relaying and requesting information as needed.