How do pasties stay on?


How do pasties stay on?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically the title. Why don’t they fall off from sweat or other elements? They’re not sticky either they’re just silicone circles.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m pretty sure they do slip from time to time, but I’d imagine it’s some kind of silicone based adhesive, or maybe some other type of glue that’s between sticky note and wood glue strength

Anonymous 0 Comments

If the sticky side becomes unsticky then you can always use 77 spray glue which is what is used in beauty pageants.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Van Der Waals force keeps the adhesive stuck to your skin, like a bandage.

When enough sweat accumulates (if the pasty or bandage can’t breathe) then the Van Der Waals force is overcome and it can slide off. But usually this is taken into account. Also, most instances of the use of pasties or adhesive bras are cool enough that the person isn’t sweating that much.